Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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How Freddie Gray Died - YouTube

On April 12, 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr. , a 25-year-old African American man, was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department for possession of what police suspected was an illegal knife under Baltimore law. When transported in a police car, Gray goes into a coma and is taken to a trauma center. Gray died on April 19, 2015; his death was thought to have originated from an injury to his spinal cord. On April 21, 2015, pending investigation into the incident, six Baltimore police officers were suspended for payment.

The initial injury was not clear; eyewitness records indicate that the officers involved used unnecessary force against Gray during the arrests - claims rejected by all officers involved. Commissioner Anthony W. Batts reported that, contrary to department policy, officers did not secure him in the van while driving to the police station; This policy has come into force six days prior to Gray's arrest, after reviewing other transport-related injuries suffered during police custody in the city, and elsewhere in the country during previous years. The medical investigation found that Gray had suffered injuries while on his way. The office of the medical examiner concluded that Gray's death could not be regarded as an accident, and instead a murder, because the officers failed to follow safety procedures "through useless actions." On May 1, 2015, Baltimore City State Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced her office had filed a lawsuit against six police officers after a medical examiner's report ruled Gray's death as a murder.

Prosecutors say they have a possible reason to file criminal charges against six police officers believed to be involved in his death. The officer driving the van was accused of "mentally defective" second-degree murder because of his indifference to the great risk that Gray might be killed, and the others accused of committing crimes ranging from ordinary killings to illegal arrests. On May 21, a grand jury sued the officers for most of Mosby's original indictments with the exception of allegations of illegal imprisonment and false detention, and added frivolous reckless allegations to all officers involved.

Gray's hospitalization and subsequent deaths resulted in a series of ongoing protests. On April 25, 2015, a major protest in downtown Baltimore turned violent, causing 34 arrests and injuries to 15 police officers. After Gray's funeral on April 27, civil unrest intensified with the looting and burning of local business and drugstore CVS, culminating in a state of emergency declaration by Governor Larry Hogan, Maryland National Guard deployment to Baltimore, and the formation of a curfew. On May 3, the National Guard began withdrawing from Baltimore, and the curfew in the city was lifted.

In September 2015, it was decided that there would be a separate court for the defendant. The trial of the Officer William Porter ended with the cancellation of the trial. Officers Nero, Goodson, and Rice were found not guilty in court. The remaining charges against the officers were dropped on July 27, 2016.

On September 12, 2017, the US Department of Justice announced it would not file a federal suit against six Baltimore police officers involved in arrest and death in custody from Freddie Gray. However, it was announced on 5 October 2017 that a non-criminal disciplinary trial for officers will be prosecuted by a three-person panel led by someone from another Maryland police agent, possibly Prince George's County, and an outside lawyer and former chairman of Baltimore City City Council, Neil Duke, will also be a member of the panel.

Video Death of Freddie Gray

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Freddie Gray

Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr. (August 16, 1989 - April 19, 2015) is the son of 25-year-old Gloria Darden. She has a twin brother, Fredericka Gray, and another sister, Carolina. At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood. He stands 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighs 145 pounds (66 kg). Gray has a criminal record, about drug charges and minor crimes and has spent time in jail.

Police officer

  • Officer Caesar R. Goodson Jr., 45, is a 16-year-old police veteran.
  • Officer Garrett E. Miller, age 26, joined the Baltimore Police Department in 2012.
  • Officer Edward M. Nero, age 29, joined the Baltimore Police Department in 2012.
  • Officer William G. Porter, 25, joined the police force in 2012.
  • Lieutenant Brian W. Rice, age 41, is a 17-year-old veteran. Rice, who was promoted to lieutenant in 2011, is the highest officer accused of being linked to Gray's death. The Guardian reported that, in 2012, Rice allegedly threatened suicide and the husband of her former partner. She has been hospitalized, reportedly, for mental health evaluation and given an administrative suspension. The consequences of this threat include two of his cannons being confiscated, and an order of detention on behalf of his former partner's husband. According to a police report obtained by The Guardian, Rice has also abused her position to order the arrest of her ex-husband's husband as part of a personal dispute that occurred two weeks before the incident.
  • Sergeant Alicia D. White, age 30, joined forces in 2010 and was promoted to sergeant three months before Gray's death. He grew up in Baltimore.

Maps Death of Freddie Gray

Arrest and death

Police met Freddie Gray on the morning of April 12, 2015, on a street near the Gilmor Homes housing project in Baltimore, an area known to have high rates of home foreclosures, poverty, drug deals and violent crime. About three weeks before the incident, Mosby has called for "enhanced" law enforcement efforts in the North and Mountain corners. According to the filling document submitted by Baltimore police, at 8:39, Lieutenant Brian W. Rice, Officer Edward Nero, and Officer Garrett E. Miller patrolled the bike and made eye contact with Gray, who then escaped on foot. unreasonable at the sight of police presence. "After a short pursuit, Gray was arrested and taken into custody" without violence or incidents ", according to Garret Miller Officer, who wrote he" saw a knife cut in the front right pocket [Gray's] ". official statement of allegations, Officer Miller states that Gray "illegally brings, owns, and sells knives commonly known as knife blades, with automatic springs or other devices to open and/or close knives within the bounds of Baltimore City. The knife was found by this officer and was found as a knife assisted by a spring-assisted spring. "According to Baltimore City state lawyers, Gray's spring help blade is legal under Maryland law, while a police task force says the knife violates the Baltimore code in which Gray is accused.

Video footage by two observers who captured Gray's arrest showed Gray, yelled, dragged into a police car by the clerk, and then boarded the van. An observer with a connection to Gray states that the officers previously "folded" Gray: one officer bends Gray's leg back, and the other holds Gray by pressing his knees to his neck. Witnesses commented Gray "can not walk", "can not use his legs", and "his legs look broken and you all drag him like that". Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts noted from the video, "Gray stands on one leg and goes up to his own van." The Baltimore Sun reported that another witness saw Gray beaten with a police baton.

According to the police timeline, Gray was placed in a transport van within 11 minutes of his arrest, and within 30 minutes, paramedics were summoned to take Gray to the hospital. Van made four confirmed stops while Gray was arrested. At 8:46 am, Gray was lowered to be placed on an iron foot because police said he acted irrationally. Gray's shackles are recorded on a cell phone, which shows an unmoving Gray surrounded by several officers when he is arrested. The later stops, recorded by a personal security camera, showed the van stop at a grocery store. At 8:59, the second prisoner was placed in the vehicle while the officer checked on Gray's condition. At 9:24 am, the transport van arrived at his last stop, West District police station. After the paramedics treated Gray for 21 minutes, he was taken to the University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at 9:45 am local time in a coma.

The media have suggested a rough ride possibilities - an unapproved practice in which cuffed prisoners are placed without seat belts in an irregularly controlled vehicle - as contributing factors in Gray's injury. During the trial of Officer Goodson, a prosecution witness testified that he "could not say" if there was a rough driver, and the judge ruled that the prosecutor did not provide evidence to support the assumption.

The department's seat belt policy has been revised six days before Gray's arrest, in an attempt to protect detained individuals from serious injuries during transportation. The policy was not followed in Gray's case. According to lawyer Michael Davey, who represents at least one of the officers being investigated, the new rules are criticized by some. He explained that in certain situations, such as when a prisoner is being aggressive, "It is not always possible or safe for an officer to get behind a very small carrying car, and this one is very small."

The following week, according to the Gray family lawyer, Gray suffered total cardiopulmonary attacks at least once but was resuscitated without ever regaining consciousness. She remains in a coma, and undergoes extensive surgery in an effort to save her life. According to his family, he had a coma with three fractures, an injury to his voice box, and his 80% backbone was cut off his neck. Police confirmed that a spinal cord injury caused Gray's death. Gray died on April 19, 2015, a week after his arrest.

Freddie Gray death: Baltimore police warn of gang threats to 'take ...



The Baltimore Police Department suspended six officers for a fee while waiting for an investigation into Gray's death. The six officers involved in the arrest were identified as Lieutenant Brian Rice, Sgt Alicia White, Officer William Porter, Officer Garrett Miller, Officer Edward Nero, and Officer Caesar Goodson. On April 24, 2015, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said, "We know our police officers failed to give him medical attention at the right time several times." Batts also admitted police did not follow the procedure when they failed to tie Gray in the van when he was taken to the police station. The US Department of Justice also opened an investigation into the case.

On April 30, 2015, Kevin Moore, one of the witnesses who filmed Gray's arrest, was arrested at gunpoint after what Moore described as "harassment and intimidation" by police. Moore stated he had worked with the police, and handed Gray's video capture to the investigation. He claimed, though helpful in the investigation, his picture was published by police, who asked the public to identify him because he "wanted to be questioned." Moore said the police clearly knew who he was when they posted his picture. Moore was released from detention the following day, but two others arrested together with Moore remained in custody. On the same day Moore's arrest, the medical examiner reported that Gray had suffered more injuries from slamming into the interior of the transportation van, "apparently breaking his neck, his head injury holding his ball in the back of the van".

On May 19, 2015, the prosecutor asked the judge to place a silencing order on lawyers, police, and witnesses of the arrest, arguing that statements by lawyers from some officers accused of harming the public. On June 8, 2015, it was announced that a judge had rejected a state lawyer's request for a silencing order on procedural grounds.

Billing, indictment and trial

On May 1, 2015, after receiving a medical examiner report that ruled out Gray's death as a murder, state prosecutors said they had possible grounds to file criminal charges against six officers involved. Mosby said that the Baltimore police had acted illegally and that "No crime has been done" (by Freddie Gray). Mosby said that Gray "suffered a critical neck injury from being handcuffed, shackled at his feet, and uncontrolled inside the BPD train". Mosby said officers had "failed to establish the possible cause of Gray's arrest, since no crime had been committed", and accused the officer of fake imprisonment, since Gray carries a legal-sized knife, and not the cop who trades the knife he claimed. owned at the time of his capture. The six officers were taken into custody and processed at Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center.

Three officers are facing a massacre charge and one faces additional counts of second degree heart murder. The murder charge brings the possibility of a 30-year prison sentence; murder and assault offenses carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. The six officers were released from prison after bailing out the same day they were booked. Two officers were released on bail of $ 250,000 and four others guarantees were $ 350,000.

On September 2, 2015, it was decided to hold a separate court for the defendant.

In December 2015, a Baltimore judge declared a cancellation of the trial at the Porter Officers after the jury was unable to reach the verdict.

In May 2016, a Baltimore judge stated that Officer Nero was innocent by a bench court.

On June 23, 2016, Caesar Goodson officer was released from all charges by Justice Barry Williams.

In June 2016, law professor John Banzhaf of George Washington University filed a complaint with the bar against Marilyn Mosby for wrongdoing.

In January 2017, a federal judge granted a lawsuit by five of the six police officers that Mosby failed to prosecute. Mosby was sued for maltreatment, defamation, and a privacy violation.

Response to fill

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said there was no place in the Baltimore Police Department for police officers who "chose to engage in violence, brutality, [and] racism". Gene Ryan, president of the police chapter said that despite the tragic situation, "no officer is responsible for the death of Mr. Gray."

President Barack Obama says it is important to find the truth and support the protests if they are peaceful.

In an interview on May 4, 2015 at Fox News, Alan Dershowitz said he believes Mosby is burdening the officers in an attempt to satisfy the protesters and prevent further harassment. Former Baltimore Page Prosecutor Page Croyder wrote an opinion at The Baltimore Sun where he described Mosby's allegations as a reflection of "unethical incompetence or carelessness". Croyder argues that Mosby avoids the normal procedure of "getting into the national limelight", and that he "wanders to the public", creates hope for a belief.

A motion for Mosby to resign from the case was filed on behalf of the prosecuted officer, on the basis of alleged personal gain by Mosby and her husband, personal relationships with potential witnesses, and the financial interests of Gray's lawyer, who claimed to be a close friend of Mosby. CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin points out that he does not see any serious conflict of interest to disqualify Mosby from the case, and that officers may have no case with the movement. The lawyers representing officers filed a motion insisting that the city must pay thousands of dollars in damages for holding and holding them - or they could sue Mosby and the Mayor of Baltimore, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. In 11-page denial, Deputy State Attorney Michael Schatzow writes that Gray was detained "long before the officers caught him knowing he had a knife" and that the movement made no sense "jumping from one silly charge to another, like a pinball on a machine far past 'TILT ' ". Mosby was ordered to respond to a motion filed by a defense lawyer on June 26, 2015.

Officer William G. Porter

Porter meets the van after Goodson calls the dispatch officer to ask the officer to check Gray. He was asked twice by Gray to a doctor, but did not call for one. He was accused of unintentional murder; second level attacks; mistakes in the office. Porter posted a bundle of US $ 350,000. The grand jury sued Porter on all charges and added harmful indictments. On December 16, 2015, a cancellation of the trial was declared with all charges, after the jury was hanged and unable to make a decision. Porter's second experiment has been scheduled for June 13, 2016. Analysts say that Porter's re-trial could cause problems for other trials, assuming that he can not be forced to testify when there are pending charges against him. After several calls and reversals, the Maryland Appellate Court ruled that Porter would be required to testify in cases against other officers. The Porter officer's court date was originally scheduled for September 6, 2016. On July 27, 2016, all charges against it were canceled.

Officer Caesar R. Goodson, Jr.

Van driver. He was accused of second-degree cardiac murder; unintended killing; second level attacks; vehicle killing (gross negligence); vehicle killing (criminal negligence); and errors in the office. He posted a bundle of US $ 350,000. The grand jury accuses Goodson of all charges and adds harmful indictments. Officer Goodson was found not guilty of all charges by Judge Barry Williams on June 23, 2016.

Officers Garrett E. Miller and Edward M. Nero

The officers who grabbed Gray after he escaped, and, after catching him, handcuffed Gray with his hands behind his back. Miller was charged with two counts of second-degree attacks; two false accusations at the office; and false imprisonment. Nero was charged with two counts of second-degree attacks; mistakes in the office and fake imprisonment. Each posted a bundle of US $ 250,000. A fake prison request was dropped by the jury, but a frivolous indictment was added. Judge Williams found Officer Nero innocent of all charges on May 23, 2016. The date of the Miller Officer's trial was set for July 27, 2016. At the pre-trial hearing on July 27, 2016, however, all allegations against Miller and Porter and White officers were dropped.

Lt. Brian W. Rice

Officer who initially made eye contact with Gray while on bike patrol. He was accused of unintentional murder; two second-degree allegations of attack; vehicle killing (gross negligence); two false accusations at the office; and false imprisonment. He posted a bundle of US $ 350,000. Fake prison demands were dropped by the grand jury, which adds to the reckless indictment. Judge Williams dropped one of the alleged assaults after the prosecution was rested, in power there was not enough evidence to prove a second level attack. Lt. Rice's experiment begins July 7, 2016. Rice was found not guilty of all charges by Judge Barry Williams on July 18, 2016.

Sgt. Alicia D. White

White is accused of not seeking medical help when he meets Gray, "even though he was actually told he needed a doctor". He was accused of unintentional murder; second level attacks; and errors. He posted a bundle of US $ 350,000. The grand jury sued White for all charges and added a reckless allegation. Sergeant Date of the White trial was originally set for October 13, 2016. On July 27, 2016, all charges against him were canceled.

Federal investigation

Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced on May 8, 2015, that the Justice Department will review the current practices of the Baltimore Police Department due to "serious erosion of public trust" in relation to Gray's death. Immediate review takes effect, and focuses on allegations that Baltimore police officers use excessive force, including lethal force, conduct unlawful searches, seizure or arrest, and engage in discriminatory policing.

In May 2015, federal authorities conducted three investigations into the Baltimore police, Lynch's investigation of "practice patterns", collaborative reviews beginning in autumn 2014, and civil rights investigations into Gray's death.

On September 12, 2017, the US Department of Justice announced it would not file a federal suit against six Baltimore police officers involved in arrest and death in custody from Freddie Gray.

Public response

The public reaction to death has drawn a further parallel with the response to the shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, as part of a series of controversial use of force by police officers in the United States against African Americans. On April 30, 2015, 22 demonstrations have been held nationally in direct response to Gray's death or solidarity with Baltimore. In addition, the Black Lives Matter movement has been protesting Gray's death.

On April 18, 2015, hundreds of people participated in protests outside the Baltimore Police Department. Three days later, on April 21, 2015, according to Reuters, "[h] undreds of demonstrators gathered in Baltimore", protesting Gray's death. The next day, Gene Ryan, president of the local cottage of the Brotherhood Police Order, expressed sympathy to the Gray family, but criticized the "protest rhetoric" and suggested that "the image is visible on the television screen and sounds like a lynch mob". William Murphy, a lawyer for the Gray family, demanded "immediate apology and repeal". Ryan defended his statement two days later, while admitting that his words were bad. Charles M. Blow of The New York Times, reminiscent of a column he wrote several years ago, saying that comparing protests with murder monsters is too extreme for inflating racial tensions by underestimating the importance of the history of capital punishment in the United States.

On April 25, 2015, protests were held in downtown Baltimore, and the protests turned violent when protesters threw stones and burned. At least 34 people were arrested, and 15 officers were wounded. On April 27, riots and looting began after Gray's funeral, with two patrol cars destroyed and 15 officers reported injured. The protesters looted and set fire to a CVS Pharmacy location in downtown Baltimore. In reaction to the riots, Maryland State Police sent 82 police to protect the city. The Baltimore Orioles baseball game against the Chicago White Sox that was scheduled for that night was postponed due to unrest. The next game starts on schedule but, as a precaution, the match is played behind closed doors. The next series against Tampa Bay Rays was moved to St. Petersburg. Petersburg. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency, and activated the Maryland National Guard. Hogan also activated 500 state troops to serve in Baltimore and requested an additional 5,000 police officers from other areas.

At a press conference, the mayor of Baltimore announced there would be a city curfew from 10:00 in the afternoon. until 5:00 pm. School trips were canceled until mid-May, and Baltimore city schools closed on 28 April. In addition, the University of Maryland campus in downtown Baltimore and Mondawmin Mall closed early.

Protests outside Baltimore also took place in other US cities. In New York City, 143 people in Union Square were arrested on April 29, 2015 for blocking traffic and refusing to move. On the same day, outside the White House in Washington, D.C., nearly 500 protesters gathered without incident. In Denver, eleven people were arrested as protesters engaged in physical squabbling with officials. Other protests in response to Gray's death occurred in cities including Chicago, Minneapolis, Miami, Philadelphia, Portland, and Seattle.

On May 3, 2015, the National Guard began withdrawing from Baltimore, and the curfew in the city was lifted. The demobilization process lasted for three days, and during that time the emergency remained in effect.

Spike in Baltimore murder

In May 2015, there were 43 murders in Baltimore, making it the deadliest month in 40 years after August 1972 (45 murders) and December 1971 (44 murders). The number of homicides fell to 29 in June 2015 but by July 2015, 45 murders were recorded, binding with notes in 1972. Lieutenant Gene Ryan, president of the Baltimore Fraternal Order of Police, said this was partly due to increased confidence. among the criminals in Baltimore. Then the police commissioner, Anthony Batts, blamed the drugs looted from the pharmacies during the riots due to increased crime.

The total murder of 2015 on July 31 is 189 compared to 119 at the end of July 2014. On August 3, in an attempt to resolve the case, Baltimore announced the Baltimore Federal Homicide Task Force. This is a Baltimore police partnership and five federal war crimes agencies. Each agency will install two agents with the Baltimore police to help investigate. On July 8, 2015, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake shot Anthony Batts, saying that her response to Gray's death had been a nuisance, while police failed to prevent a spike in murder.

Baltimore ended the year with 344 murders, the second highest number behind 1993, when 353 murders took place. It was also the first time since 1999 that the city recorded at least 300 murders in a calendar year.

Dramatic Images From Baltimore Unrest Photos - ABC News


On September 8, 2015, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced that the city had reached a $ 6.4 million completion with the Gray family. Rawlings-Blake said the settlement "should not be interpreted as a judgment of guilt or wrongdoing from officers facing trial", but has been negotiated to avoid "costly and protracted litigation that will only make it harder for our city to heal". City offers settlements before they are sued.

Mugshots of Baltimore police charged in connection with Freddie ...

Claim on three remaining officers down

On July 27, 2016, prosecutors dropped the remaining indictments against the remaining three officers.

Public Reaction to Freddie Gray Trial Verdicts Photos - ABC News

In popular culture

Gray's death has been the subject of several songs. Prince recorded a song titled "Baltimore" for his 2015 album Hit n Run Phase Two . The music video shows scenes of protest in response to Gray's death. In May 2015, Salomon Faye released "Black Power", a music video on YouTube that demonstrated a rally after Gray's death. Dru Hill dedicates their 2016 song "Change" to Gray. In 2016, Kevin Morby released "Beautiful Strangers", which addresses issues that plague the world: gun violence, the death of Freddie Gray, and attacks on Orlando and Paris. In 2017, jazz pianist Lafayette Gilchrist released a song titled "Blues For Freddie Gray" on his record of New Urban World Blues . Later that same year, singer-songwriter Eliot Bronson wrote "Rough Ride", a song about Gray.

In 2017, HBO produced Baltimore Rising , a documentary about Gray's death and subsequent protests. Directed by Sonja Sohn, it maps the impact of the incident on Baltimore people. In May 2018, Stephen Malkmus and Jicks released a song called "Bike Lane" on their Sparkle Hard album. This song refers to the case of Freddie Gray.

No federal or state charges in the death of Freddie Gray - YouTube

See also

  • 2015 protests in Baltimore
  • The death of Sandra Bland
  • The Death of Jeremy McDole
  • Death of Tyrone West
  • The list of homicide by law enforcement officers in the United States, April 2015
  • Police brutality in the United States

With Another Loss in Freddie Gray Case, Prosecution Feels the ...


Freddie Gray trials to stay in Baltimore, judge rules - CNN

External links

  • Transcribe the statement of Marilyn J. Mosby about Freddie Gray

Source of the article : Wikipedia
