Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential: Autism ...

The Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential ( IAHP ), founded in 1955 by Glenn Doman and Carl Delacato, provides literature and teaches pattern therapy (motor learning), of which the Institution promotes the " neurological organization "of" brain injury "and healthy children through various programs, including diet and exercise. It is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with offices and programs offered in several other countries. Pattern therapy for patients with neuromuscular disorders was first developed by Temple Fay's neurosurgeon in the 1940s. Patterns have been heavily criticized and some studies have found ineffective therapies,

Video The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential


The Institutes for Achievement of Human Potential (IAHP, also known as "The Institutes") was founded in 1955. It practiced pattern therapy, developed by Doman and educational psychologist Carl Delacato. Pattern therapy attracts ideas and works of neurophysiologist ideas Temple Fay, former head of the Department of Neurosurgery at Temple University School of Medicine and president of the Philadelphia Neurological Society. In 1960, Doman and Delacato published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA ) detailing pattern therapy. Their study methodology was then criticized.

Maps The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential


The philosophy of the Institute consists of several interrelated beliefs: that every child has the potential of genius, stimuli are the key to unlocking a child's potential, teaching must begin at birth, the younger the child, the easier the learning process, the children naturally love learning, parents are the best teachers of their children, teaching and learning should be excited and teaching and learning should not involve testing. This philosophy follows very closely with the Japanese Suzuki method for violin, which is also taught at the institute alongside the Japanese language itself. The Institutes considers brain damage, intellectual impairment, "mental deficiency," cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, athetosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental delay, and Down syndrome as conditions that include "brain injury," a term favored by IAHP. According to a 2007 WPVI television news report, the IAHP uses the word "hurt" to describe the children they see "with all types of brain injuries and conditions, including cerebral palsy, mental retardation, epilepsy, Down syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and autism ". Glenn Doman describes his own personal philosophy of caring for patients who came from the motto of a World War II veteran: "Do not leave an injury."

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential


Programs for brain-injured children

The IAHP program begins with a five-day seminar for parents of children who "suffer brain injuries", because the program is done by parents in their homes. After the seminar, IAHP conducted an initial evaluation of the child.

The program described in the 1960 JAMA (Doman, et al.) Paper For children of "brain injury" includes:

  • Patterning - manipulation of limbs and heads in a rhythmic way
  • Crawling - moving body movements with the stomach in contact with the floor
  • Crawl - forward body movements with stomach lifted from the floor
  • Receptive stimulation - visual, touch and hearing stimuli
  • Expressive activity - e.g. retrieve objects
  • Masking - breathing into a rebreathing mask to increase the amount of carbon dioxide being inhaled, which is said to increase brain blood flow
  • Brachiation - swung from a vertical bar or ladder
  • Gravity/Antigravity Activities - rolling, rolling and hanging upside down.

The IAHP believes that brain injury at a certain level of neurological development prevents or slows progress further.

Other therapies used by IAHP include eye exercises for children who have eyes that blend more than others when seeing objects in the distance and those with one eye deviating more than others when an object moves slowly toward the bridge of the nose. IAHP also recommends to stimulate the eyes of children with amblyopia by turning on and off the lights. For children with poor hearing, the IAHP recommends hearing stimulation aloud, which can be recorded previously. Children with brain injuries can also be taught to identify with just a touch of the various objects placed in the bag.

IAHP recommends dietary restrictions, including reducing fluid intake for brain-injured children in an attempt to prevent "the possibility of cerebrospinal fluid overaccumulation". Along with fluid restrictions, IAHP recommends low-salt diet, sweets, and other "provoking provoking" foods.

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Evaluation and scientific criticism

Model Institutes of Childhood development have been criticized in the scientific community.

Statement of American Academy of Pediatrics position

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, pattern care is based on the overly simplified theory of brain development and its effectiveness is not supported by evidence-based medicine, making its use unwarranted. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Children Disabilities issued a warning about the pattern, one of IAHP's therapy for brain-injured children, since 1968 and repeated in 1982. Their latest warning policy statement was in 1999, reaffirmed in 2010 stating:

This treatment is based on an outdated and simplified theory of brain development. The latest information does not support the supporting claim that this treatment is efficacious, and its use continues to be unreasonable.... [T] demands and expectations are placed on the family so large that in some cases their financial resources may be substantially depleted. and the relationship of parents and siblings can be emphasized.

Some texts in the position statements of the AAP, however, may be somewhat different from the medical literature and research that have emerged since their latest confirmation in 2010, as described below. The statement reads, "Some cases published dramatically by the Institute are children with traumatic brain damage or postencephalitis, which can make substantial gains without special care". However, recent research has shown that without systematic medical support and physiotherapy (special treatment) dystonia causes "defective" damage, as opposed to "significant gain". Modern research and innovations are ongoing today that focus on offsetting secondary progressive degenerative diseases that follow from the neglect of special treatment for children with regular sedentary lifestyles (decreased function to adulthood associated with weakness, flexibility and orthopedic disorder, as well as chronic pain, fatigue , obesity, premature sarcoepenia, cardiometabolic disease, frailty and/or premature death). These include not only improved early intervention practices, but also ongoing special exercises and physical activity recommendations, a variety of therapies to trigger a recently discovered phenomenon as neuroplasticity and neurogenesis whose focus is on the best way to help individuals maximize their potential.

The AAP statement on postencephalitis also conflicts in patients with symptoms after brain inflammation reduction is considered postencephalitic parkinsonism, a disease that triggers degeneration of nerve cells in the substantia nigra, leading to clinical parkinsonism, a disease that can not be cured to date. While certain standard drugs and therapies may help delay the progression of the disease, such treatment is usually only considered "developmental delay," not profit.

The AAP statement, while statements against the pattern without further evidence, in fact correspond to The Institutes in the way in which patients make improvements, suggesting that these improvements are due to "growth and developmental basis" (according to the Institute "brain grown by using"), "isolated skills-specific intensive practices" and "nonspecific effects of intensive stimulation". And the AAP considers this method to "differ substantially from other groups dealing with developmental problems". In their summary, the AAP recognizes "observed improvements to patients undergoing treatment methods" but views the observations as "poorly documented claims to be cured" and thus "unproven techniques".


In addition to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a number of other organizations have issued warning statements about the claims for the efficacy of this therapy. These include the American Academy's executive committee for Cerebral Palsy, the United States Texas Cerebral Palsy Association, the Canadian Retarded Children's Association, the executive council of the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Academy of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. Hornby et al. contact R.A. Cummins 1988 book The Neurologically Child-Disorder: The Doman-Delacato Reappraised Technique (Helm Croom, ISBN 9780709948599), "The most comprehensive analysis of the thoughts and effectiveness of the Doman-Delacato program to date" and the Cummins state using neuroanatomy and neurophysiology to show that there is no solid scientific basis for the techniques used by the IAHP and conclude any benefit may be due to increased activity and attention. Hornby et al. concluded, "It is now clear that the only outcome that supports the effectiveness of the program comes from some of the less controlled early studies." Kavale and Mostert and others also identified serious problems with initial research on the IAHP program. High quality research analyzes found that students who did not receive treatment had better outcomes than those treated by the IAHP.

A 15th 2012 Norway cost analysis patient from an unproven intensive care training for brain damage that included 11 patients treated by the IAHP found a cost-effective treatment regimen. The authors express doubts that care can achieve sufficient benefits to be cost-effective and conclude that health care services should only fund these treatments for clinical trials. A 2013 study found superior claims of care outcomes by IAHP was not proven.

A retrospective study of 21 children by IAHP and other children with cortical vision impairment found significant improvement after using a research program lacking a control group. Norum et al. states on this study, "... evidence of effectiveness can not be obtained from non-randomized studies".

Doctors Martha Farrell Erickson and Karen Marie Kurz-Riemer wrote that the IAHP "harnesses the desire of baby boomers' generation members to maximize their children's intellectual potential" and "encourage parents to encourage their babies to develop maximum brain power". But most contemporary child development experts "portray many aspects of the program as useless and possibly even dangerous". Kathleen Quill concluded that "professionals" do not have anything to learn from pattern therapy. Pavone and Ruggieri have written that pattern therapy has no important role in treatment. Neurologist Steven Novella has characterized therapeutic patterns as being based on discarded theories and "counterfeit drugs". He also wrote that unfounded IAHP claims can cause financial and emotional damage. While detailing the criticism of pattern therapy, Robards also wrote that therapy led to pediatricians and therapists to admit that early intervention programs are needed.

Most of the work at The Institutes follows from Dr. Temple Fay believes in recapitulation theory, which suggests that the infant brain evolved through chronological developmental stages similar to that of fish, reptiles, mammals and finally humans. This theory can be encapsulated as "ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny". Recapitulation theory has been widely discredited in biology.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and other organizations have criticized the IAHP's claim of effectiveness, the foundation of the theory and demands given to parents by the IAHP program. Early studies originating from the IAHP appeared to show some value from their program but were later criticized as significant defects. Kenneth Kavale and Mark Mostert have written that subsequent research that they believe has better design and more objectivity has shown a "practically unconditional" pattern therapy.

In their book The Controversial Issues in Special Education, Garry Hornby, Jean Howard and Mary Atkinson stated the program also included "choking" in which the child breathed into a plastic bag until panting. It is based on the belief that it will lead to maximum use of the lungs and thus maximize the circulation of oxygen to the brain. The book concludes that pattern therapy is ineffective and potentially damaging to family functioning.

Opposition to control group

The IAHP has asserted in the past that he is willing and interested in participating in controlled scientific studies. Such studies require a control group, in half the patients receiving treatment and the other half receiving a placebo treatment over time. The control group in this way, where children are not treated, contradicts directly with Glenn Doman's personal philosophy: "do not leave wounds behind". In addition, since Doman taught that "time is the enemy of a brain-injured child" (in which case every day they do not get better, they get worse), months or years in which the control group will not be treated, he will do "harm" in participation. According to his philosophy, this would be contrary to the Hippocratic oath, which is first harmless. The IAHP then instructs parents of children in their programs to not take part in independent studies designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The IAHP withdrew its approval to participate in "carefully designed studies supported by federal and private agencies" when the study was in the final planning stage. According to Herman Spitz, "The IAHP seems no longer interested in their scientific evaluation of the technique, they have grown large, wealthy, and independent, and their staff are content to provide case histories and propaganda tracts to back up their claims." Terrence M. Hines then stated that they "have shown very little interest in providing empirical support for their methods".

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Funding and contributors

The Institutes receive funding from various sources, some of which include patient care/therapy, book sales, events, courses, as well as private/public funders and foundations. Their list of public contributors is diverse: the Ametek Foundation, the Arcadia Foundation, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Bain, the Five B Family Foundation, Helen D. G. Beatty Trust, Bell & Howell, Bethlehem Steel Foundation, Boeing, Vertol Good Neighbor Fund, Brith Sholom Foundation, Fred J. Brunner Foundation, Louis N. Cassett Foundation, Sol Cohn Foundation, Connelly Foundation, Dana Crane, Mr. & amp; Ms Glenn Doman, Downs Foundation, DuPont, 88th Infantry, Associations Division, Charles Robert Evenson Foundation, Samuel Fels Fund, Federal Express, Freeman Foundation, Good French Society, Public Employee Employee Service Fund, Foundations Foundation, Seymour & amp; Doris, Greenberg Foundation, Philip S. Harper Foundation, Heinz Foundation, Hoyt Foundation, Hutton Trust, Ite Foundation, Endowment Fund Christian Johnson, Ken Foundation, Kerby Foundation, DJ Kernott Memorial Fund, William A. Klopman Foundation, Kirchner, Moore & ; Co., Leeds & amp; Northrup Foundation, Lewt Foundation, Lil Maur Foundation, Lions Club, John McShain Charities, Mr. & amp; Michael Maltzoff's mother, Hale Matthews Foundation, Charles E. Merrill Trust, Montgomery Women's Club Federation, Morgan Foundation, Henry & amp; Lucy Moses Fund, Inc., O'Keefe Family Foundation, Inc., The Golden Chain Order, Ms. Victoria Perez, Pew Memorial Trust, Mr. & amp; Mrs. Humberto Portillo, T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., Renee & amp; Ted's Big Heart Foundation, Republic Steel Corporation, & amp; Mrs. Javier Romero, Damon Runyon Memorial Fund, Scholler Foundation, Mary E. Smith Foundation, Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Foundation, Sony Corporation of America Foundation, Union Central Insurance Foundation, United Airlines Foundation, United Steelworkers of America, Tasty Baking Foundation, The Jett Travolta Foundation, Ny. Miriam Van Gelderen, Vollmer Foundation, Wilkie Brothers Foundation, Wiremold Foundation, Henrietta Tower Wurts Memorial, Youth Development Fund, E. Matilda Zeigler Foundation "and others".

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Further reading

Bratt, Berneen (1989). No Time to Jello: One Family Experience with the Doman-Delacato Pattern Program . Brookline. ISBN: 9780914797562.

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External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
