Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

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New Concept Massage & Spa
src: newconceptmassageandspa.com

Massage is to work and act on the body with pressure. Massage techniques are generally applied by hand, finger, elbow, knee, forearm, leg, or device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of stress or body aches. People who are professionally trained to give massage are traditionally known as a massage masse or a masseuse , but the term massage therapist has been promoted.

In a professional setting, clients are treated while lying on a massage table, sitting on a massage chair, or lying on a mat on the floor. In amateur settings, general purpose surfaces such as bed or flooring are more common. Aquatic massage and bodywork are done with floating or floating receivers in warm water therapy pools.

Video Massage


The word comes from the French massage "squeezing squeeze," or from the Arabic word meaning "touch, taste" or from Latin mass means "mass, dough", from the Greek verbs ????? ( mass? ) "to handle, touch, to work by hand, to squeeze the dough". In the difference the ancient Greek word for massage is anatripsis , and Latin is frictio .

Maps Massage


Ancient and medieval

Mass archeological evidence has been found in many ancient civilizations including China, India, Japan, Korea, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and Mesopotamia.

BC 2330: The Tomb of Akmanthor (also known as "The Tomb of the Physician") in Saqqara, Egypt depicts two men performing work on their feet and hands, possibly massaging.

BC 722-481: Huangdi Neijing is composed during the Chinese Spring and Autumn period (recorded historical beginning). The Nei-jing is a compilation of known medical knowledge up to that date, and is the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Massage is mentioned in 30 different chapters of Nei Jing. It determines the use of different massage techniques and how they should be used in the treatment of certain diseases, and injuries. Also known as "The Inner Canon Yellow Emperor", the text refers to previous medical knowledge of the Yellow Emperor's time (around 2700 BC), misleading some people to believe the text itself was written during the time of the Yellow Emperor (which will precede written history).

BC 700 Bian Que, the earliest Chinese physician known to use massage in medical practice.

BC 500 J? Vaka Komarabh? Cca, also known as Shivago Komarpaj, founder of Traditional Thai Massage (Nuad Boran) and Thai medicine. According to the Pali Buddhist Canon, Jivaka is a doctor of Shakyamuni Buddha. He codified a healing system that incorporated acupressure, reflexology, and assisted yoga postures. Traditional Thai massage is generally based on a combination of Indian and Chinese medicine traditions. Jivaka is known today as "Father of Doctors" in Thailand.

BC 493: A biblical reference that may document daily "treatments" with myrrh oil as part of the beauty regimen of the Xerxes wives (Esther, 2:12).

BC 460: Hippocrates writes "Doctors must be experienced in many ways, but certainly in rubbing".

BC 300 Charaka Samhita is believed to be the oldest of the three ancient treatments of Ayurvedic treatments, including massage. Sanskrit records suggest that massage has been practiced in India long before the beginning of recorded history.

AD 581: Dr. Sun Si Miao introduced ten new massage techniques and systematized the treatment of childhood diseases using massage therapy.

AD 581: China establishes massage therapy department at the Imperial Doctor's Office.

Medieval: Medical knowledge, including massage, traveled from Rome to Persia in the Middle Ages. Many Galenian manuscripts, for example, were collected and translated by Hunayn ibn Ishaq in the 9th century. Later, the 11th century copies were translated back into Latin, and again in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, as they helped to enlighten European intellectuals about the achievements of the Ancient Greeks. The renewal of Galenician tradition during the Renaissance plays a very important role in the rise of modern science.

One of the greatest Persian treatments is Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, which lives from 980AD to 1037AD. His works include a comprehensive and systematized collection of separated and disorganized Greco-Roman medical literature that had been translated in Arabic at the time, coupled with notes from his own experience. One of his books, Al-Q? N? N f? a? -? ibb (The Canon of Medicine) has been called the single most famous book in medical history in East and West. Avicenna excelled in the assessment of logical conditions and symptom comparison and noted special analgesics and appropriate use and other methods for pain relief, including massage.

AD 1150: Evidence of massage abortion, which involves the application of pressure to the pregnant belly, can be found in one of the bas reliefs that decorate the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. It describes the devil performing such an abortion on a woman who has been sent to the underworld. This is the oldest visual representation of abortion.

AD 1776: Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, and Pierre-Martial Cibot, French missionaries in China translated the summaries of Huangdi Neijing, including a complex list of medical plants, exercises and massage techniques, into French, thus introducing Europeans to highly developed Chinese. treatment systems, medical gymnastics, and medical massage.

AD 1776 Pehr Henrik Ling, a Swedish physical therapist, and a medical gymnastics teacher were born. Ling is often incorrectly credited for having discovered "Classical Massage" aka "Swedish Massage", and has been called "The Father of Massage".

1779: Frenchman Pierre-Martial Cibot publishes 'Notice du Cong-fou des Bonzes Tao-see' also known as "The Cong-Fou of Tao-Tse", a French summary of medical techniques used by the Taoist priest. According to Joseph Needhan, Cibot's work "is intended to present European physicists and physicians with a sketch of the medical gymnastics system that they may wish to adopt - or if they find it guilty they may be stimulated to create something better.The work has long been regarded as an important cardinal in history physiotherapy as it almost certainly affects the Swedish founder of the modern phase of art, Per Hendrik Ling, Cibot has studied at least one Chinese book, but also got many from a Christian neophyte who has become an expert in the subject before his conversion.

AD 1813 The Royal Gymnastic Central Institute for gymnastics instructor training was opened in Stockholm, Sweden, with Pehr Henrik Ling appointed as principal. Ling developed what he called the "Healing of the Swedish Movement." Ling died in 1839, having previously named his students as his teaching repository. Ling and his assistants left little written records of their methods.

AD 1878: Dutch massage practitioner Johan Georg Mezger applies the French term to mention the five basic massage techniques, and transmit the coin "Swedish massage system". These techniques are still known by their French names (effleurage (long, gliding strokes), petrissage (lifting and massaging muscles), friction (strong, deep, circular rubbing), tapotement, and vibration (quickly vibrating or vibrating certain muscles)).

Modern time


Massage has been developed continuously in China for more than 5000 years. Western ideas are considered in the traditional framework. It is widely practiced and taught in hospitals and medical schools and is an essential part of health care and primary health care.

United States

Massage began to become popular in the United States in the mid-19th century and was introduced by two New York doctors based on the Per Henrik Ling technique developed in Sweden.

During the 1930s and 1940s the influence of massage decreased as a result of medical advancement at the time, while in the 1970s, the influence of massage grew once again with a noticeable increase among athletes. Until the 1970s, nurses used massage to reduce pain and help sleep. Massage therapy industry is on the rise. In 2009, US consumers spent between $ 4 and $ 6 billion on a visit to a massage therapist. By 2015, research estimates that massage therapy is an industry of $ 12.1 billion.

United Kingdom

Massage is popular in the UK today and is gaining in popularity. There are many private practitioners who work from their own premises as well as those who operate from commercial places.

Sports, business and organizations

Massage developed jointly athletics in Ancient China and Ancient Greece. Pastor Tao developed a massage in concert with their Kung Fu gymnastics movement, while the Ancient Greek Olympians used a special type of trainer ("aleiptes") that would rub their muscles with oil. Introduction Pehr Ling for massaging also appears directly as a result of a gymnastics movement study.

The 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles was the first time a massage therapy was broadcast on television when it was performed on athletes. And then, during the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta massage therapy was finally offered as a core medical service to the US Olympic Team. Massage has been used by businesses and organizations such as the US Department of Justice, Boeing and Reebok. Famous athletes like Michael Jordan and LeBron James have private massage therapists who sometimes travel with them.

Massage Therapy | Franciscan Health
src: www.franciscanhealth.org

Types and methods

Active Release Techniques

Active Release Technique (ART) is a form of deep tissue manipulation patented by Dr. P. Michael Leahy in which certain techniques are used to release what is considered a soft-tissue adhesion.

The ART curriculum also includes various nerve slides, or flossing, protocols and adjacent muscle interface work.


Acupressure [from the Latin acus "needle" (see sharpness) pressure (n.)] is an alternative treatment technique that is principally similar to acupuncture. It is based on the concept of life energy flowing through the "meridians" in the body. In medicine, physical pressure is applied to the acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages in the meridians. Pressure can be applied with fingers, palms, elbows, toes or with various devices.

Several medical studies have shown that acupressure may be effective in helping manage nausea and vomiting, to help lower back pain, tension headaches, abdominal pain, among other things, although such research is found to have high bias possibilities.

Aquatic body

Aquatic bodywork consists of various types of massage and bodywork forms performed in water. These include terrestrial-based forms conducted in water (eg, aquatic craniosacral therapy, aquatic myofascial release therapy, etc.), as well as special forms for warm water pools (eg, aquatic integration, dolphin dance, healing dance, Jahara techniques , WaterDance, Watsu).


In Ashiatsu, practitioners use their feet to provide care. The name comes from Japan, ashi for feet and atsu for pressure. This technique usually uses the heel, sesamoid, curvature and/or plantar surface of the entire foot, and offers great compression, tension and shear forces with less pressure than the elbow, and is ideal for large muscles, such as the thighs, or for long periods. top-trapezius compression curation. Other manual therapeutic techniques using legs to provide care include Keralite, Barefoot Lomi Lomi, Chavutti Thirumal.

Ayurvedic Massage

The Ayurvedic Massage known as Abhyangam in Sanskrit is one of the most common and important Ayurvedic therapies. According to Ayurvedic Classics Abhayngam is an important dincharya (Daily Regimen) needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The massage techniques used during Ayurvedic Massage are known to stimulate the lymphatic system to repel toxins out of the body. The Ayurvedic Massage also stimulates the production of lymphocytes that play an important role in maintaining immunity in the human body. Thus, regular Ayurvedic Massage can lead to better immunity and also helps in de-toxification of the body. Other benefits of regular Ayurvedic Massage include relieving pain, reducing fatigue, preventing aging and confers longevity.

Burma Massage

Known in Myanmar as Yoe Yar Nhake Nal Chin, meaning "traditional massage", Burmese massage has ancient origins from Thailand, China and India. Currently, Burma massage also includes the use of local natural ingredients such as Thanaka, which helps promote smooth skin and prevents sunburn.

Burma massage is a full-body massage technique that starts from head to toe, drawing on acupuncture, reflexology, and dough. Signature massage scratches include acupressure using the elbow, rapid tap of acupressure point, and tight muscle movement. This massage aims to improve blood circulation and sleep quality, while at the same time helping to improve skin quality.

Stimulation of bio-mechanical stimulation (BMS)

Biomechanical stimulation (BMS) is a term commonly used for localized biomechanical oscillation methods, in which local muscle groups are stimulated directly or via tendons associated with special hand mechanical vibration devices. Biomechanics of oscillation therapy and training are offered in areas such as competitive sports, fitness, rehabilitation, medicine, prevention, beauty) and are used to improve muscle performance and to improve coordination and balance. It is often used in the concept of Myofascial trigger point therapy to trigger reciprocal inhibition in the musculoskeletal system. The beneficial effects of this type of stimulation have been found to exist, the efficacy of BMS Matrix therapy is evident in independent research. conducted by TÃÆ'Ã… "V-SÃÆ'¼d commissioned by German insurance company, BKK Gesundheit.

Biodynamic massage

Biodynamic massage was created by Gerda Boyesen as part of Biodynamic Psychotherapy. Practiced as a stand-alone therapy, it is a combination of physical and energy work and also uses a stethoscope to hear peristaltic movements.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle approach that releases deep tension in the body by applying a light touch to the skull, face, spine, and pelvis.

Foot massage

While various types of massage-related reflexes focus on foot style, massage (usually) the sole of the foot is often done purely for relaxation or recreation. It is believed there are some specific points on the foot that correspond to different organs in the body. Stimulation of these points during foot massage can lead to significant pain reduction. Studies also show that foot reflexology can reduce fatigue and improve sleep better.

Lomilomi and indigenous massage Oceania

Lomilomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage. As indigenous peoples practice, it varies by island and by family. The word lomilomi is also used for massage in Samoa and East Futuna. In Samoa, it is also known as lolomi and millimillion . In East Futuna, it is also called milimili, fakasolosolo, amoamo, lusilusi, kinikini, fai'ua. M? Ori calls it roromi and mirimiri . In Tonga massages are fotofota, tolotolo, and amoamo. In Tahiti it is rumirumi. At Nanumea in Tuvalu, a massage is known as popo , the application of pressure is kukumi , and the hot app is tutu . Massage has also been documented in Tikopia in the Solomon Islands, in Rarotonga and in Pukapuka in Western Samoa.

Lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a technique used to work gently and stimulate the lymphatic system, to help reduce localized swelling. The lymphatic system is a slow-moving vessel network in the body that carries cellular waste to the heart, to be filtered and removed. Lymph nodes also carry lymphocytes, and other immune system agents. Manual lymphatic drainage claims to increase waste disposal and immune function.

Medical massage

Medical Massage is a controversial term in the massage profession. Many use it to describe certain techniques. Others use it to describe general categories of massage and many methods such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release and triggerpoint therapy as well as osteopathic techniques, cranial-sacral techniques and more can be used to work with various medical conditions.

Massages used in the medical field include decongestive therapy used for lymphedema that can be used in conjunction with breast cancer treatment. Light massage is also used in pain management and palliative care. Carotid sinus massage is used to diagnose carotid sinus syncope and is sometimes useful for distinguishing supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) from ventricular tachycardia. This, like the valsava maneuver, is a therapy for SVT. However, it is less effective than SVT management with drugs.

A systematic review of 2004 found a single application of massage therapy "reducing anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate but not negative mood, direct pain assessment, and cortisol levels", while "some applications reduced delayed pain assessment", and found enhancement. in anxiety and depression similar to the effects of psychotherapy. The next systematic review published in 2008 found that there is little evidence to support the use of massage therapy for depression in high-quality studies from randomized controlled trials.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release refers to a manual massage technique that claims to release the inherent fascia and muscles with the aim of relieving pain, increasing range of motion and equilibrioception. Myofascial release usually involves the application of shear or tension compression in various directions, cross-fiber friction or by skin rolling.


Reflexology also known as "zone therapy", is an alternative medicine that involves applying pressure to the feet and hands with certain thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oils or lotions. It is based on pseudoscientific zone systems and reflex areas that supposedly reflect the body image on the feet and hands, with the premise that the work affects physical changes in the body.


Shiatsu (??) ( shi meaning finger and atsu which means pressure) is a type of alternative treatment consisting of the radius and pressure of the palms, stretching, and massage techniques others. There is no convincing data to show that shiatsu is an effective treatment for any medical condition.

Structural Integration

The purpose of Structural Integration is to loosen the strain patterns that are within the body's myofascial system, returning it to natural balance, alignment, length, and ease. This is achieved by deep, slow, facial and myofacial manipulation, coupled with re-education of movement. Various brands of Structural Integration are Rolfing, Hellerwork, Guild for Structural Integration, Aston Patterning, Soma, and Kinesis Myofascial Integration.

Swedish Massage

The most widely known and commonly used massage category is Swedish massage. Swedish massage techniques vary from mild to strong. Swedish massage uses five stroke styles. Five basic strokes are effleurage, petrissage (kneading), tapotement, friction (cross fiber or fiber) and vibration/shaking. Swedish massage has proven beneficial in relieving pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with knee osteoarthritis for eight weeks. The development of Swedish massage is often inaccurately credited to Per Henrik Ling, although Dutch practitioner Johann Georg Mezger applied the French term to mention a basic blow. The term "Swedish" massage is actually only recognized in English and Dutch speaking countries, and in Hungary. Elsewhere this style is referred to as the "classic massage".

Clinical studies reported that Swedish Massage can effectively reduce back pain and its effectiveness can last for 15 weeks. One study reported that Swedish Massage led to a decrease in salivary cortisol showing its role in stress management and mood enhancement.

Thai massage

Known in Thailand as ??????????? ( Include phaen boran, IPA: Ã, [nÃÆ' Â »? tp ???: n bo : ra: n] ), meaning "ancient/traditional massage", traditional Thai massage (Nuad Boran) is generally based on a combination of Indian and Chinese medicine traditions.

Thai Massage - or Nuat Thai - combines physical and energetic aspects. It is a full-body massage that moves forward from the foot upwards, and focuses on cents or energy lines throughout the body, with the aim of clearing blockages in these lines, and thus stimulating the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. This refers to yoga, acupressure and reflexology.

Thai Massage is a popular massage therapy used for the management of conditions such as musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. Thai massage involves a number of stretching movements that increase body flexibility, joint movement and also improve blood circulation throughout the body. In one study, the scientists found that Thai Massage showed efficacy comparable to ibuprofen painkillers in reducing joint pain caused by osteoarthritis (OA) in the knee.

Traditional Chinese Massage

Chinese Medicine Massage is known as An Mo (??, pressing and rubbing) or Qigong Massage, and is the foundation of Japanese Anma. Categories include Pu Tong An Mo (general massage), Tui Na An Mo (massage pushing and grasping), Dian Xue An Mo (pressing massage cavity), and Qi An Mo (energy massage). Tui na (??) focuses on pushing, stretching, and massaging muscles, and Zhi Ya (??) focuses on pinching and suppressing acupressure points. Techniques like friction and vibration are also used.

Trigger point therapy

Sometimes confused with pressure point massage, this involves disabling trigger points that can cause local pain or pain and other sensations, such as headaches, in other parts of the body. Manual pressure, vibration, injection, or other treatments are applied at these points to relieve myofascial pain. Trigger points were first discovered and mapped by Janet G. Travell (doctor President Kennedy) and David Simons. The trigger point has been photographed and measured electrically and in 2007 the paper is presented by displaying the Trigger Point image using MRI. These points are related to dysfunction at the myoneural junction, also called neuromuscular junction (NMJ), in muscle, and therefore this technique differs from reflexology, acupressure and pressure points.

Tui na

Tui na is a Chinese manual therapy technique that includes various types of strokes, which aim to increase the flow of chi through the meridians.


Watsu, developed by Harold Dull in Harbin Hot Springs, California, is a type of aquatic bodywork performed near water-body temperature, and is characterized by continuous support by practitioners and gentle movements, including rocking, stretching of limbs, and massage. This technique combines floating hydrotherapy and immersion with shiatsu and other massage techniques. Watsu is used as a form of aquatic therapy for deep relaxation and other therapeutic purposes. Related forms include WaterDance, Healing Dance, and Jahara techniques.

Massage By Mallory - Home
src: www.massagebymallory.com

Facilities, supplies and supplies

massage table and chairs

Special massage tables and chairs are used to position the recipient during the massage. A typical commercial massage table has an easy to clean surface, very soft, and a horseshoe-shaped head support that allows the client to breathe easily while lying face down and can be stationary or portable, while the home version is often lighter or designed to be folded. go easily. Orthopedic pillows or bolsters can be used to improve body position.

The ergonomic chair has the same function as a massage table. Seats can be either stationary or portable models. The massage chair is easier to move than the massage table, and the recipient does not need to remove the robe to receive a chair massage. Because of these two factors, chair massage is often done in settings such as corporate offices, outdoor festivals, shopping malls, and other common locations.

Swimming warm water therapy

The temperature controlled warm water pool is used for aquatic bodywork. For example, Watsu requires a pool of warm water therapy that is approximately in the chest (depending on the therapist's height) and the temperature is controlled to about 35 ° C (95 ° F).

Dry-water massage table

A dry water massage table uses a jet of water to perform massage on the client muscle. These tables are different from Vichy's bath where clients usually stay dry. Two common types are one where the client is located on a water mattress mattress containing warm water and water jets and air bubbles and one where the client is located above the foam and covered by a plastic sheet and then sprayed by a warm water jet, similar to a Vichy bath. The first type is sometimes seen available for use in malls and shopping malls for a small fee.

Vichy Shower

Vichy Shower is a form of hydrotherapy that uses a series of shower nozzles that spray large amounts of water over the client as they lie on a shallow wet bed, similar to a massage table, but with drainage for water. The nozzle is usually adjusted for height, direction, and temperature to fit the client's needs.


Different types of massage creme, lotion, gel, and oil are used to lubricate and moisturize the skin and reduce friction between the skin (technician and client's hands).

Massage tool

The body rock is a serpentine-shaped tool, usually carved from stone. This is used to strengthen the strength of the therapist and focus pressure on a particular area. Can be used directly on the skin with lubricants such as oil or corn starch or directly over clothing.

Bamboo and rosewood tools are also commonly applied. They come from practices in Southeast Asia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Burma. Some of them may be heated, oiled, or wrapped in cloth.

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src: andreasdekarwines.com

Medical and therapeutic use

The main professionals providing therapeutic massage are massage therapists, athletic trainers, physical therapists and practitioners of many other traditional Chinese and eastern medicines. Massage practitioners work in a variety of medical settings and can travel to a residence or private business. Contraindications to massage include deep venous thrombosis, bleeding disorders or taking blood thinners such as Warfarin, damaged blood vessels, weakened bones from cancer, osteoporosis, or fractures, bruising, and fever.

Professional practitioners' associations and official recognition of professionals

The US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine admits over eighty different massage techniques. The most frequently cited reasons for introducing massage as therapy are client demand and clinical effectiveness are perceived.

Related methods

Many types of practices are related to massage and include bodywork, manual therapy, energy treatment, and breath. Other names for massage and related practices include hands-on practice, body/somatic therapy, and somatic movement education. The mind-body integration technique emphasizes self-awareness and movement over physical manipulation by a practitioner. Therapy associated with awareness of movement/education is closer to dance and movement therapy. Massage can also have links with the New Age movement and alternative treatments as well as the holistic philosophy of preventative medical care, as well as being used by mainstream medical practitioners.

Favorable effect

Peer-reviewed medical studies have shown that the benefits of massage include pain relief, reducing anxiety and depression, and while reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety states. Additional testing shows an immediate improvement and an accelerated recovery period for muscle performance. The theory behind what the massage might include includes blocking nociception, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which can stimulate the release of endorphins and serotonin, preventing fibrosis or scarring, improving lymph flow, and improving sleep, but such effects supported by well-designed clinical studies.

Massage was prevented from reaching the gold standard of scientific research, which included placebo and double blind controlled clinical trials. Developing "fake" manual therapy for massage will be difficult because even a light touch massage can not be considered at all with no effect on the subject. It will also be difficult to find a subject who will not notice that they are getting less than a massage, and it is impossible to blind therapists. Massage may use randomized controlled trials, published in medical journals reviewed by colleagues. This type of research can improve the credibility of the profession because it indicates that the therapeutic effect claimed can be reproduced.

Single-dose effect

  • Pain relief: Relief from pain due to musculoskeletal injury and other causes cited as a major benefit of massage. Cochrane review in 2015 concluded that there is little evidence that massage is an effective treatment for low back pain. A meta-analysis performed by scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign failed to find a statistically significant pain reduction soon after treatment. Weak evidence suggests that massage can increase short-term pain for people with acute, sub-acute, and chronic lower back pain.
  • Country anxiety: Massage has been shown to reduce state anxiety, temporary measure of anxiety in certain situations.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate: Massage has been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate for a while.

Effect of multiple doses

  • Pain: Massage can reduce the pain experienced within days or weeks after treatment.
  • Trait anxiety: Massage has been shown to reduce anxiety properties; a person's general vulnerability to anxiety.
  • Depression: Massage has been shown to reduce subclinical depression.

Neuromuscular effects

Massage has been shown to reduce neuromuscular stimuli by measuring changes in the Hoffman reflex amplitude (H-reflex). The decreasing amplitude of peak-to-peak H-reflex shows decreased motoneuron stimulation. Others explain, "H-reflex is considered to be an electrical analogue of the stretching reflex... and reduction" is due to decreased stimulation of the spinal reflex. Field (2007) asserts that the inhibitory effect is due to deep tissue receptors and not the superficial skin receptors, since there is no decrease in H reflexes when looking at a small finger tip pressure massage. It has been noted that "receptors are activated during special massage for muscle massaged", since other muscles do not produce a decrease in H-reflex amplitude.

Massage and proprioception

Proprioceptive studies are much more than combined massage and proprioception, but researchers are still trying to find the right mechanism and pathway to gain a more complete understanding. Proprioception may be very helpful in rehabilitation, although this is an unknown proprioception characteristic, and "current exercise aimed at improving proprioception has not been proven to achieve that goal". To date, very little has been studied to see the effect of massage on proprioception. Some researchers believe "documenting what happens under the skin, bioelectrically and biochemically, will be activated by newer non-invasive technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and sustainable plasma sampling".


Because art and massage science is a globally diverse phenomenon, different legal jurisdictions sometimes recognize and license individuals with degrees, while others do not. The example is:

  • Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) Canada
  • Remedial Massage Therapist (RMT) New Zealand
  • New Zealand Certified Massage Therapy (CMT)
  • Licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP)
  • Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
  • Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist (LMBT) North Carolina
  • Therapeutic Massage Therapist (TMT) South Africa

In some jurisdictions, practicing without a license is a crime.


In the country of regulated massage therapists known as Registered Massage Therapists, in Canada only four provinces govern massage therapy: British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, and New Brunswick. Regulated provinces, since 2012, set inter-jurisdiction competency standards. Quebec is not regulated by province. Massage therapists can earn certification with any of the various associations in operation. There is the Association of Professional Specialist Massage Experts in Quebec, also named Mon RÃÆ' Â © seau Plus, representing 6,300 massage therapists (including orthotherapists, naturotherapists and others), the Quebec Federation massage therapist (FMQ), and the Association quÃÆ'Â © bÃÆ'Â © coise des thÃÆ' Â © rapeutes naturels; However, nothing is regulated by provincial law.


Most types of massage, with the exception of some traditional Chinese medicine are not regulated in China. Although illegal in China, some small businesses are fronts for prostitution. J.K., an anti-prostitution operation has set off an offensive operation to combat the situation. This is called falangmei (??? "hairdressing salon sisters").


France requires three years of study and two final exams to apply for a license.


In Germany, massage is administered by governments at the federal and national levels. Only one person who has completed a 3,200-hour (theoretical and practical) training can use a professional degree "Masseur und Medizinischer Bademeister" or a Medical Massage and Spa Therapist. This person can extend his training depending on the length of his professional experience to the Physiotherapist (additional 1 year training up to 18 months). The Masseur is trained in Classical Massage, Myofascial Massage, Exercise and Motion Therapy. During the training they will learn: Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Gynecology, Podiatry, Psychiatry, Psychology, Surgery, and perhaps most important Dermiatry and Orthopedics. They are trained in Electrotherapy, and Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy includes: Kneipp, Wraps, Underwater massage, Therapeutic Wash, Sauna and Steambath. A small part of their training will include specific forms of massage decided by local colleges, for example: foot reflexology massage, Thai massage, etc. Finally a graduate is allowed to treat patients under the direction of a doctor. It is governed by a professional body that regulates physiotherapy. This includes restrictions on advertising and oaths of confidentiality to clients.


In India, massage therapy is licensed by the Ayurveda Department, Yoga & amp; Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) in March 1995. Massage therapy is based on Ayurveda, an ancient medical system that evolved around 600 BC. In ayurveda, massage is part of a set of holistic medicine practices, contrary to an independent massage system that is popular in some other systems. In Siddha, traditional Tamil medicines from southern India, massage is referred to as "Thokkanam" and classified into nine species, each for certain diseases.


In Japan, shiatsu is arranged but the Thai massage and massage is not. Although prostitution is illegal, prostitutes are posing as massage therapists in fashion health stores and pink salons are quite common in big cities.


In Myanmar, massage is not regulated. However, it is necessary to apply a spa license with the government to operate massage parlors in major cities such as Yangon. Blind and blind people can become masseurs, but they are not given permission. There are several professional spa training schools in Myanmar but this training center is not accredited by the government.


In Mexico massage therapists, called "sobadores ", combine massage using oil or lotion with acupuncture and confidence forms. Sobadores is used to alleviate digestive system problems as well as knee and back pain. Many of these therapists work behind a truck, only with a curtain for privacy. By learning additional holistic healing skills besides massaging, practitioners can become curandero .

In many parts of Mexico prostitution is legal and prostitutes are allowed to sell sexual massage. These businesses are often limited to specific areas of the city, such as the Norte Zone in Tijuana.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, massage is not regulated. There are two levels of registration with New Zealand Massage, a professional body for massage therapists in New Zealand, although none of these levels are recognized by the government. Admission at the level of Certified Massage Therapists shows competence in the practice of relaxation massage. Registration in Remedial massage therapy shows competence in the practice of massage or orthopedics. Both levels of registration are determined by the agreed minimum competency and the minimum hours.

South Africa

In South Africa, massage is arranged, but its enforcement is poor. The minimum legal requirement to be able to practice as a professional massage therapist is a 2-year diploma in Massage Therapy and enrollment with the Allied Health Professional Council SA (AHPCS). 2 year qualifications include 240 credits, approximately 80 case studies, and about 100 hours of community service.

South Korea

In South Korea, blind and blind people can become licensed masseuses.


In Thailand, Thai massage is officially registered as one of the branches of traditional Thai medicine, acknowledged and regulated by the government. It is considered a medical discipline in its own right and is used for the treatment of various diseases and conditions. Massage schools, centers, therapists, and practitioners are increasingly regulated by the Ministry of Education and Public Health in Thailand.

United Kingdom

To practice commercial massage or massage therapy in the UK, an ITEC or VTCT certificate must be obtained through training that includes Beauty Therapy and Spa, Hair Treatment, Complementary Therapy, Sports & amp; Fitness Training and Customer Service.

Therapists with appropriate documents and insurance can join the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), a volunteer list, government registries, and professionals. The ultimate goal is to protect the people.

In addition there are many professional bodies that have the minimum required educational standards and have relevant insurance policies including: the Holistic Healing Federation (FHT), the Complementary Therapist Association (CThA), and the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP). In contrast to CNHC these bodies exist to support therapists rather than clients.

United States

According to research conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association, in 2012 in the United States there are between 280,000 and 320,000 massage therapists and massage school students. As of 2011, there are more than 300 schools and accredited massage programs in the United States. Most countries have licensing requirements that must be met before a practitioner can use the title "massage therapist", and some states and municipalities require a license to practice any form of massage. If a country does not have a massage law then a practitioner should not apply for a license with the state. However, practitioners need to check whether there are local or regional laws that include massage therapy. Training programs in the US typically last 500-1000 hours, and can provide certificates, diplomas, or degrees depending on a particular school. There are about 1,300 massage therapist training courses in the country and studies will often include anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, massage techniques, first aid and CPR, business issues, ethics and law, and hands-on practice with sustainable education requirements if arranged. The Commission on Accreditation of Massage Therapy (COMTA) is one of the organizations working with massage schools in the US and currently (August 2012) there are about 300 schools accredited through this institution.

Forty-three states, the District of Columbia and five Canadian provinces currently offer several types of credentials for professionals in the field of massage and bodywork - usually licensing, certification or registration. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia require several types of licenses for massage therapists. In the US, 39 states use the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage therapy and Bodywork certification programs as a basis for licensing by either the rules or the law. The National Council provides nationally Certified designation in Massage and Bodywork Therapy (NCTMB). There are two tests available and one can become certified through a portfolio process with the same training and experience. Between 10% and 20% of cities or districts regulate the profession. The National Certification offered by NCBTMB does not mean that a person can practice massage in any state. These local regulations may range from prohibitions on taking the opposite sex, fingerprint checks and sex examinations from doctors, to a ban on home calls due to concerns about the sale of sexual services.

In the US, licensing is the highest regulatory level and this limits anyone without a license from practicing massage therapy or by calling themselves title-protected. Certification allows only those who meet certain educational criteria to use a protected title and registration only requires a list of therapists who submit applications and meet educational requirements. It is important to note that massage therapists can be certified, but not licensed. Licensing requirements vary by state, and often require additional criteria to be met other than attending an accredited massage therapy school and passing the required state-required exam (basically certification requirements in many states). In the US, most certifications are locally based. However, in March 2014, some states still did not require licenses or certifications. However, this is considered to be changing in the end as more regulatory bodies governing the massage profession are established in every state. In addition, some countries allow license reciprocity in which relocation massage therapists can relatively easily obtain licenses in their new country. Not all countries provide this option.

In late 2007, the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards launched a new certification exam called MBLEx. Currently, 40 countries have accepted this certification exam, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

In 1997 there were an estimated 114 million visits to massage therapists in the US. Massage therapy is the most widely used type of alternative medicine in hospitals in the United States. Between July 2010 and July 2011 about 38 million American adults (18 percent) massaged at least once.

People claim that they use massage because they believe that it relieves pain from musculoskeletal injuries and other causes of pain, reduces stress and improves relaxation, rehabilitates sports injuries, reduces feelings of anxiety and depression, and improves general welfare.

In a 25 to 35 year old poll, 79% said they wanted their health insurance plan to cover the massage. Companies that offer massages to their employees include Allstate, Best Buy, Cisco Systems, FedEx, Gannett (USA Today publishers), General Electric, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, JC Penney, Kimberly- Clark , Texas Instruments, and Yahoo !. In 2006, the Duke University Health System opened a center to integrate medical disciplines with CAM disciplines such as massage therapy and acupuncture. There were 15,500 spas in the United States in 2007 with about a third of the visitors being male.

The number of visits increased from 91 million in 1999 to 136 million in 2003, generating revenue equivalent to $ 11 billion. The job prospects for massage therapists are also projected to grow 20% between 2010 and 2020 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or faster than average.

Massage on the Square | Marietta, GA Massage Therapy - 770-792-0791
src: www.massageonthesquare.com

See also

  • Massage chairs
  • Spa

About â€
src: www.nancysmassagehouse.com


Petra's Massage Therapy & Weightloss Clinic | Oklahoma City, OK
src: petrasmassage.com

External links

  • Ã, Shadwell, Arthur (1911). "Massage". EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica (issue 11).

Source of the article : Wikipedia
