Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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Watch Preeminent Anatomy Of The Sciatic Nerve at Best Anatomy Learn

The sciatic nerve ( ; also called ischiadic nerve , ischiatic nerve ) is a major nerve in humans and animals. It starts in the lower back and runs through the buttocks and descends in the lower extremities. It is the longest and widest single nerve in the human body, going from foot to foot on the posterior aspect. The sciatic nerve provides connections to the nervous system for most of the foot skin, the muscles of the thighs, and the people of the legs and feet. It comes from the spinal cord L4 to S3. It contains fibers from both the anterior and posterior divisions of the lumbosacral plexus.

Video Sciatic nerve


The sciatic nerve is formed from the L4 to S3 segments of the sacral plexus, a collection of nerve fibers arising from the sacral part of the spinal cord. The united fibers form one nerve in front of the piriformis muscle. The nerve passes below the piriformis and through the larger sciatic foramen, out of the pelvis. From here, he walks down the posterior thigh to the popliteal fossa. The nerve runs in the posterior compartment of the hamstrings (shallow) muscle adductor magnus, and itself in front of a biceps biceps femoral head. In the popliteal fossa, the nerves divide into two branches:

  • The tibial nerve, which runs under the posterior compartment of the foot to the foot
  • A common peroneal nerve (also called the common fibular nerve), which runs down the anterior and lateral compartments of the foot into the foot

Sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve in the human body.


Maps Sciatic nerve


The sciatic nerves supply sensations to the skin of the foot, as well as the entire lower leg (except the inner side). The sensation of the skin to the soles of the feet is provided by the tibial nerve, and the lower leg and the upper surface of the foot through the common fibular nerve.

The sciatic nerve also innervates the muscles. Especially:

  • Through the tibial nerve, the muscles in the posterior compartment of the foot and the sole of the foot (plantar aspect).
  • Through the general peroneal nerve (also called the common fibular nerve), the muscles in the anterior and lateral compartments of the foot.

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Clinical interests


Pain caused by compression or sciatic nerve irritation by a problem in the lower back is called sciatica. Common causes of sciatica include the following lower and hip conditions: spinal herniation, degenerative disc disease, lumbar spine stenosis, spondylolistesis, and piriformis syndrome. Other acute causes of sciatica include cough, muscle hypertension, and sneezing.


A sciatic nerve injury occurs between 0.5% and 2.0% of the time during total pelvic arthroplasty. Sciatic nerve palsy is a complication of total pelvic arthroplasty with a incidence of 0.2% to 2.8% time, or with an incidence of 1.7% to 7.6% after revision. Following the procedure, in rare cases, screws, pieces of trochanteric wire, methyl methacrylate bone fragments of bone, or Burch-Schneider iron cage can pierce the nerves; this can cause paralysis of the sciatic nerve that can be lost after the fragments are removed and the nerves released. The nerves can be surrounded by oxidized cellulose regeneration to prevent further scarring. Sciatic nerve palsies can also occur due to severe spinal stenosis after the procedure, which can be treated by spinal decompression surgery. It is not clear whether inversion therapy is capable of decompressing the sacral vertebrae, it can only work on the limb aspect of the sciatic nerve.

A sciatic nerve injury may also occur from an improper injection into the buttock, and may cause sensory loss.

Other diseases

Berne periacetabular osteotomy resulted in major neural deficits in sciatic or femoral nerves in 2.1% of 1760 patients, of which about half had complete recovery in an average of 5.5 months.

Sciatic nerve exploration may be performed with endoscopy in minimally invasive procedures to assess lesions of the nerves. Endoscopic treatment for sciatic nerve pain has been investigated in deep gluteal syndrome; "Patients were treated with sciatic nerve decompression by fibrovascular scar band resection, piriformis tendon release, internal obturator, or femoral quadratus or with hamstring tendon scarring."


Signals from the sciatic and branch nerves can be blocked, to disrupt the transmission of pain signals from the neural area, by conducting a regional nerve blockade called a sciatic nerve block.

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Society and culture

According to Jewish law, the sciatic nerve (Hebrew: Gid Hanasheh) can not be eaten, to commemorate Jacob's pain in his struggle with the Angel.

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See also

  • scanty notch
  • Bigger sciatic notifications

How to cure sciatica and relieve sciatic nerve pain fast and ...

Additional images

See also



This article combines text in the public domain of page 960 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

External links

  • Sciatic_nerve in the Duke University Health Systems Orthopedic program
  • Image of MedlinePlus 19503
  • the pelvis at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) ( pelvicnerves )
  • glutealregion at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) ( glutealner )
  • Sciatica and Sciatic Nerves

Source of the article : Wikipedia
